"Tivo-ifies the web" Paul Kedrosky

The worlds most awesomest, hella wicked clips of humans in motion

One of the few mini-clip-meme thingies that I can bear, unlike dogs on skateboards, is the whole YouTube fetish for dance or body movement stuff – from Parkour to ‘that nerdy looking dancing guy‘ – which lends itself to video bites.

Both Parkour and the Nerdy looking dancing guy show ordinary people doing extraordinary things, but in a format which is far more genuine than the formulaic arena of ‘_’s Got Talent’ and Susan Boyle.

My Choice: James Brown Gives You Dancing Lessons via Rob

Anyway, I’d like to put together an, ahem, postmodernly cerebral, definitive list of this stuff. Add to this list by embedding videos in comments.

(The title of this post is supposed to be ironic, I have not lost my mind).
