"Tivo-ifies the web" Paul Kedrosky

Frank Lloyd Wright Game Show Appearance

A game show featuring Stalin would be a suitably absurd comedy sketch, yet it’s not far from the truth.

What’s my Line is a perfect American, Post Modern, TV masterpiece. A piece of cheap, light entertainment that featured several of the most important people of the 20th Century in the context of a game show. People that later ruled countries (Ford, Carter, Reagan), appear in museums (Dali), created the museums themselves (Frank Lloyd Wright) or became cultural icons (Walt Disney) were all ‘What’s my Line’ contestants.

If the chalkboard where people wrote their names were preserved, it would be a museum piece.

I’ll embed more that I can find in the comment’s (feel free to do so too). In the mean time, for you enjoyment, here is America’s most famous architect in history playing What’s my Line.
