"Tivo-ifies the web" Paul Kedrosky

Days that Shook the World – Hiroshima

Paul Tibbets, the pilot of the Enola Gay died today. Here is a sample of what people are writing about him:

“The kind of weight he must have carried on his conscience cannot be understated. His courage and conviction for his country will not be forgotten and, I pray, will live on in those of us left behind. Thank you for your bravery, courage and sacrifice.”

Tibbets was someone to feel truly sorry for, someone who was asked to do an extremely bestial thing, to choose who to sacrifice. My problem is that he never gave any indication that what he was asked to do was a difficult choice. Whether you are morally right or wrong cannot based upon the ultimate judgment of the virtue or depravity of others, i.e. what side you happen to be on.

50 min 1 sec Apr 14, 2007

