"Tivo-ifies the web" Paul Kedrosky

J.G.Ballard – Shanghai Jim

Running time: 34 mins.

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Fermat’s Last Theorem

If I were to pick my favorite documentary of all time – it would be this. Mathematics, the most rational of all subjects may seem to be an unemotional topic. For this very reason, seeing the tears in Wiles’ eyes when he recounts the inspirations that enabled him to finally solve a centuries old enigma make this a dramatic piece of the most subtle kind. Simultaneously gentle and powerful.

Running time: 43 mins.

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31 comments history, science, smashing telly top 10 documentaries

Monsters of the Atomic age

Documentary exploring nuclear fears in the 50s and how they manifested themselves in the sci-fi movies of the time.

Running time: 34 mins.

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1 comment history, science fiction

Alfred Hitchcock’s Holocaust Documentary

A film the British Government deemed too traumatic for release after World War II – Frontline pieced it together and aired it in its unedited form.

Running time: 53 mins

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4 comments history

The Warsaw Ghetto

The first documentary about the infamous Warsaw Ghetto

Running time: 37 mins.

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1957 Triumph Motorcycle Factory Tour

Great period piece

Running Time: 31 mins.

Full Screen

2 comments gear, history, nostalgia, technology

How to Go Out of Your Mind – the LSD Crisis.

With footage of Leary’s initial followers.

Running time: 54 mins.


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The French Foreign Legion

You cannot join with a French passport and you relinquish your passport when you join. A long way from Beau Geste this documentary praises the contribution of the bizarre, official French mercenary force in the other war with Iraq.

Running time: 50 mins.


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Mr Death The Rise and Fall of Fred A Leuchter Jr.

Errol Morris’ complex anti holocaust revisionist film that sometimes gets accused of being the opposite.

Running time: 1 hour 31 mins.


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Soviet Animated Propaganda

Running time: 27 mins.


4 comments animation, history