"Tivo-ifies the web" Paul Kedrosky

What Makes Us Human part 1. Big Heads

What exactly is it that makes humans different from other animals? Presented by Armand Leroi

Running time, part 1: 47 mins.

Full screen

Running time, part 2: 48 mins.

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Talk by Sam Harris, author of The End of Faith

Harris looks at the dangers of the Intelligent Design movement.

Running time: 23 mins

Full Screen

2 comments religion, science, talks

Stanford Prison Experiment

The infamous experiment where subjects were shown to willingly inflict torture on others just because they were ‘obeying orders’. The psychologist at the center of the experiment was a witness for the defense at the Abu Ghraib trials, where he stated that any person was capable of evil, given the right circumstances. More importantly, he suggested that people would return to normal after, something which has dramatic implications not only for the criminal justice system, but the people who choose to send people to war or circumstances where evil actions are certain outcome.

Running time: 50 mins.


3 comments science

Curse of T.Rex

Big game poaching of a different kind. Fossil poachers.

Running time: 57 mins.


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The Woman Who Thinks Like a Cow

A woman who attributes the fact that she has a remarkable affinity with animals to her autism.

Running time: 48 mins


1 comment science

The Boy With the Incredible Brain

Extraordinary documentary about Daniel Tammet whose mental arithmetic, linguistic and memory skills are such that he has recited Pi to 22,514 places. A feat which took 5 hours. To test him, he is to learn a new language in a week, for the film makers. Includes an interview with the real life person that was the inspiration for Dustin Hoffman’s character in Rain Man.

Trivia: The celebrated Cambridge Psychologist, Simon Baron Cohen, who examines Daniel in this film, is a second cousin of ‘Borat’ (Sacha Baron Cohen).

Running time: 48 mins.


5 comments science

Jared Diamond – How Societies Fail-And Sometimes Succeed

The Man with the ultimate Boston (?) accent, talks about his book, Collapse, at the Long Now Foundation.

(I just realized that I went to this lecture).

Running time: 1 hour 14 mins.


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Larry Brilliant’s Inspired TED Prize talk.

A great and inspiring talk from the epidemiologist who saw the last cases of Smallpox and Polio. Larry is also the co-founder of the legendary online service, the Well.

Running time: 26 mins.


1 comment interviews, science

Equinox – It Runs On Water, Free Energy 1995

Running time: 50 mins.


3 comments science, science fiction

Connections Series 1 part 1.

Spanning three decades, James Burke made three fabulous series about the serendipitous connections between cultural events and scientific innovation.

This is the first program, made in the mid 70’s. It explores the events surrounding the cascading failure that wiped out New York City’s power supply in the 60’s. It opens in New York at the World Trade Center. Co-incidentally, it shows that the power blackout could have caused commercial airliner to crash into Manhattan had the pilot not averted disaster. The flight number of the plane was 911.


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