"Tivo-ifies the web" Paul Kedrosky

Skate – And The Wonderful Red One

Like expensive, limited-edition cars, the cinematic quality Red One digital movie camera required a $1000 deposit and a years waiting list to get one.

The results look incredible as this 120fps, dreamlike short of skateboarders (at what looks like the Trocadero in Paris) demonstrates. Although, to be fair, this is not just because of the camera.

Watching this (click through to watch the HD) shows how Vimeo is continuing to set itself apart from Youtube in terms of quality rather than quantity. Increasingly, Vimeo is to Youtube as Flickr is to Imageshack. Perhaps Yahoo should buy Vimeo to ram the comparison home and score a cred point against the Google monster?

3 comments sport

Hoop Dreams

A seminal moment here – the excellent, Hulu.com allows us to post one of the all time great documentaries: Hoop Dreams. (US Only)

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A Video Clip History of Olympic Opening Ceremonies

Olympic ceremonies have ranged from camp trash to deeply serious, military-style maneuvers. The Chinese opening ceremony will, no doubt, manage to combine the two, but there will be one important cultural factor that will come into play. The Chinese invented fireworks, and early footage suggests that several megatons of Firecrackers will welcome in Beijing 2008. Enough to pollute the air!

The Olympics started in Greece, as the Athenians tried to tell us in 2004 in an hour long, surreal, extravaganza, featuring a video link ‘drum off’ and people in illuminated pregnancy costumes. Professional eccentric, Bjork, completed the hallucinogenic effect with one of her songs…

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2 comments sport, world

F1 Chasing the Dream

I’m not interested in sports and in particular motor racing. But something wonderful is happening in the heroic combination of McLaren and Lewis Hamilton.

Nascar is a sport who single tactic seems to be ‘turn left’. Formula 1 allows you to turn right as well. But despite the similarity of the two sports, including, massive sponsorship by semi criminal organizations like cigarette firms and garnishings of spandex-clad, pneumatic, hyper-attractive women, they could not be more different.

Like the difference between Vegas and Monte Carlo, Nascar is Trailer Trash while Formula 1 is Euro Trash. The chairman of F1 is the son of the head of the British Fascist party, Oswald Moseley, and the early drivers were wealthy aristocrats who had nothing better to do than invent spectacular ways to kill themselves at high speed.

Within this mix of nasty sponsors and elitist society, is the perfect modern-day fairy tale, like a pauper winning a jousting contest on great horse. The McLaren team provided the great horse and Lewis Hamilton is its rider.

McLaren are not like any other provider of horse power. Their headquarters is a gleaming white, Norman Foster designed, high-tech clean space that is more futuristic than a NASA assembly room and their pit team are testing cooling suits developed by the European Space Agency and designed by Karada for Hugo Boss. Lewis is not like any other racing driver, in fact the closest person that comes to mind is Tiger Woods. Hamilton is the grandson of Grenadan immigrants, and called Lewis after Carl Lewis. He won a black belt in Karate when he was twelve, and won the British Go Karting Championship at age 10. The 10 year old approached McLaren F1 team boss Ron Dennis and told him, “Hi. I’m Lewis Hamilton. I won the British Championship and one day I want to be racing your cars.” This year he very very nearly won the World Formula One Racing Championship in his debut season at the age of 22.

Thats what makes this rather ordinary sports program extraordinary.

47 min 51 sec Nov 7, 2007


5 comments gear, sport

The Inter City Firm (1985)

51 min 6 sec Sep 11, 2007


As Punk disappeared and the Mod and Ska revival faded, in the mid 80s, football hooligans in Britain morphed from Doc Marten wearing Skinheads to proto-mulletted, Pringle sweatered ‘Casuals’. Worse than the horrible violence they stirred up were their terrible sartorial inclinations and, unintentionally camp, bouffant hairdos.

This celebrated documentary followed the most famous contemporary gang, West Ham’s ICF or Inter City Firm, so called because their members were aspiring, middle class, season ticket holders who traveled to away matches on the Inter City rail network.

It was the epitome of the worst of Thatcher’s Britain and as such is an historical piece that transcends its narrow subject matter.

44 comments history, society, sport

Hooligans, The Untold Story

Documentary and English Soccer Thugs. Earwig oh, earwwig oh, earwig oh!

Running time: 59 mins.

Full Screen

1 comment politics, sport

Laird Hamilton at Teahupoo

The biggest waves ever surfed.

Running time: 38 mins.

Full screen

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Emerica – This is Skateboarding

A no nonsense skateboard movie, with great footage of pro skaters.

Running time: 45 mins.


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The Best Soccer Goals in History

Annoying soundtrack, but some sublime footwork.

Running time: 1 hour 11 mins.


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Jump Britain – Parkour (jumping between buildings) documentary

Features real life superhero and Parkour pioneer, Sebastien Foucan, and the UrbanFreeFlow team.

Running time: 49 mins.


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