"Tivo-ifies the web" Paul Kedrosky

Harold Pinter’s Excoriating Nobel Prize Speech

Running time: 46 mins.

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Dawkins TED talk on Atheism

Dawkins infamous call for ‘militant atheism’ in an inspiring talk at TED.

Running time: 31 mins.

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4 comments religion, talks

Norman Mailer and Marshall Mcluhan

Two intellectual giants debate violence, alienation and the electronic media in 1968.

Running time: 28 mins.

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2 comments interviews, talks, technology

A New Kind of Science – Stephen Wolfram

Stephen Wolfram, a child prodigy and creator of the very successful Mathematica software application, locked himself away for several years and produced a 1000 page plus, mammoth tome – A New Kind of Science. He shunned peer review, suppressed findings from people working for him and duplicated much of the work of others either by accident or, as some have suggested, as the result of direct plagiarism. Nevertheless, there is something in what Wolfram says when he talks about a new kind of science, based upon cellular automata and emergent iterative systems, the unpredictable iteration of equations rather than equations themselves. This is an idea that is brewing in a different form in the work of others such as Stuart Kauffman and Lee Smolin.

Running time: 1 hour 27 mins.

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Talk by Sam Harris, author of The End of Faith

Harris looks at the dangers of the Intelligent Design movement.

Running time: 23 mins

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The Impact of Web 2.0 – at Davos

The World Economic Forum at Davos is where presidents of countries and global corporations meet. It is the conference to end all conferences, and whenever there is a technology bubble, Davos organizers quickly jump on the bandwaggon and invite a bunch of bewildered nerds to explain the ‘Internets’ to them. The end result is absolutely fucking hilarious, in a very understated way.

This year, alongside Global Warming and WWIII, with a straight face, Davos attendees examined the ‘Impact of Web 2.0’. They did not suggest that the impact relative to the aforementioned topics is that of a mosquito farting on the moon.

Running time: 56 mins.


2 comments politics, talks

Jared Diamond – How Societies Fail-And Sometimes Succeed

The Man with the ultimate Boston (?) accent, talks about his book, Collapse, at the Long Now Foundation.

(I just realized that I went to this lecture).

Running time: 1 hour 14 mins.


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